Bringing order to the chaos of life with analysis, research, and logic-driven improvements

TTC Journey Begins

So begins our #TTC journey (TTC = trying to conceive). Given I am in my early 30s, it makes sense to do whatever it takes to accelerate the process because let’s face it – unfortunately, our biological clocks are against us. Fertility begins to decline at 32, then more so at 37. I am 32 at this writing.

So, it makes sense to do whatever it takes to support our bodies’ readiness for fertility. So what does this mean for us? This is the list of priorities, in the order of what we started doing.

  1. Deal with all medical issues now. For me, this meant managing my thyroid issue last year. I had to make sure my thyroid hormone levels were normal before TTC. The other issue I need to make sure is in normal range is my blood pressure, which meant eating a lot healthier foods and improving cardio health (more on this below).
  2. De-stress. Many people have said to make sure you are in a stress-free environment when TTC. For me, this means not working crazy hours, carving out time to rest (be kind to your body!), priorisiting activites that bring joy (journaling, fitness classes, walks with our dog), and meditating regularly. I started building my meditation and journaling practice in the prior year for my mental health. I also made a job switch late last year to a more relaxed, fun job.
  3. Improve overall healthy habbits. This means the whole nine yards – everything science has told us we should be doing but as lazy humans inundated with technology, we often don’t follow: hydrating with filtered water daily, getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night (much easier to do when we leave our phones outside the bedroom), eating healthy (limit processed food/takeway, and opting for a more Mediterranean diet, which means not buying pork/beef at all).
  4. Reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, it’s time to cut out vices. For alcohol, I started to phase out drinking almost completely towards the end of last year, with the exception of holiday drinks (Christmas/NYE). Otherwise, my preference is no more alcohol purchased for the home (goodbye wine down Friday nights) and only a non-alcoholic beer at the pub. Caffeine will be a bit tougher for me to limit, especially given the great cafe culture around us. My goal is only 1 flat white a week (if at all) and perhaps a matcha latte a few times a week. Ideally, I should have no caffeine every day when TTC (though research shows you can have some caffeine). Instead, I should get enough energy from a good night’s sleep and afternoon meditation.
  5. Start prenatals (and men prentals) 3 months prior to conception. It’s important to have the right level of nutrients for mom, baby, and dad.
  6. Live a clean, low-toxic life. This means swapping out a LOT of our household and personal hygiene products for cleaner, pregnancy-safe products. I was actually surprised that a lot of my facial products were not pregnancy safe.
  7. Invest in other fertility-friendly products: ovulation kit, fertility friendly lube, etc. to help with the baby-making process.
  8. Carve out time for regular fitness, both cardio (to improve heart health) and core strengthening. I strive to be active daily for at least 30 minutes and do an ab workout each day.
  9. Begin educating ourselves. Blogs, articles, books, and talking to friends that have just given birth, are recently pregnant, or are also TTC. There’s plenty of information out there! Just remember to use your critical thinking hat, believe in science, and follow what makes sense for your body and your personal preferences. For me, I prefer being as healthy, clean, and active as I can be during this process.
  10. Be kind to yourself and let the universe do it’s thing. Whatever happens, happens. We cannot control what is meant to be. If it happens in 3 months or 12 months or more, just roll with it.

— peace & love —

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